
An on-going series of photographs documenting objects women use to provide physiological comfort, security, love and belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. Project began spring 2013 while researching Maslow’s hierarchy of need.

  A paper bird representing physiological comfort.

A paper bird representing physiological comfort.

  A hot water bottle representing physiological comfort.

A hot water bottle representing physiological comfort.

  A well-loved coffee mug representing a daily ritual of physiological comfort.

A well-loved coffee mug representing a daily ritual of physiological comfort.

  Her home representing physiological comfort.

Her home representing physiological comfort.

  A "super ugly" pillow for relieving neck strain for physiological comfort.

A "super ugly" pillow for relieving neck strain for physiological comfort.

  Small pinch pots representing physiological comfort.

Small pinch pots representing physiological comfort.

  Slippers representing physiological comfort.

Slippers representing physiological comfort.

  A photo of a positive ultrasound many years in the making representing physiological comfort.

A photo of a positive ultrasound many years in the making representing physiological comfort.

  A necklace representing physiological comfort, security, and belonging; and "a brave and meaningful personal journey".

A necklace representing physiological comfort, security, and belonging; and "a brave and meaningful personal journey".

  A well-loved pair of boots representing security.

A well-loved pair of boots representing security.

  Concealer to "cover the circles" representing security.

Concealer to "cover the circles" representing security.

  Hershey's Kisses representing security.

Hershey's Kisses representing security.

  A photo of an alarm system representing security.

A photo of an alarm system representing security.

  A photo of a paperweight. "It is a coin (e.g heads or tails) on a tumbler and the base reads Decisions, D ecisions." Category was not selected.

A photo of a paperweight. "It is a coin (e.g heads or tails) on a tumbler and the base reads Decisions, Decisions." Category was not selected.

  A book of poems by Shel Silverstein representing security.

A book of poems by Shel Silverstein representing security.

  One of the bookmarked poems; security.

One of the bookmarked poems; security.

  Artists tape representing security.

Artists tape representing security.

  Her tie representing security.

Her tie representing security.

  An exacto knife and new blade representing security.

An exacto knife and new blade representing security.

  A book by Laura Owens representing Love and Belonging.

A book by Laura Owens representing Love and Belonging.

  A birthday card from an ex representing Love and Belonging.

A birthday card from an ex representing Love and Belonging.

  An artist's drawing representing Love and Belonging.

An artist's drawing representing Love and Belonging.

  A note from an ex representing Love and Belonging.

A note from an ex representing Love and Belonging.

  A favorite poem representing Love and Belonging.

A favorite poem representing Love and Belonging.

  A photo that lives on her fridge representing Love and Belonging.

A photo that lives on her fridge representing Love and Belonging.

  Shards from beach walks with her daughter representing Love and Belonging.

Shards from beach walks with her daughter representing Love and Belonging.

  A pair of her mother's earings representing Love and Belonging.

A pair of her mother's earings representing Love and Belonging.

  A microeconomics book belonging to an artist representing Self Esteem.

A microeconomics book belonging to an artist representing Self Esteem.

  A lipstick representing Self Esteem .

A lipstick representing Self Esteem.

  Texturizing hair paste representing Self Esteem.

Texturizing hair paste representing Self Esteem.

  A writer's pen representing Self Esteem.

A writer's pen representing Self Esteem.

  A necklace she made representing Self Esteem.

A necklace she made representing Self Esteem.

  A gift received upon leaving a job representing Self Esteem.

A gift received upon leaving a job representing Self Esteem.

  Snearkers used to train for the 2013 Boston Marathon representing Self Esteem.

Snearkers used to train for the 2013 Boston Marathon representing Self Esteem.

  The Alcoholics Anonymous book representing Self Actualization.

The Alcoholics Anonymous book representing Self Actualization.

  Crayons representing a time when "I didn't have to consider the mantra of living in the moment then because it was the only way I knew how to exist"; representing Self Actualization.

Crayons representing a time when "I didn't have to consider the mantra of living in the moment then because it was the only way I knew how to exist"; representing Self Actualization.

  A cross representing Self Actualization.

A cross representing Self Actualization.

  A laminated guardian angel card representing Self Actualization.

A laminated guardian angel card representing Self Actualization.

  An empty journal representing Self Actualization.

An empty journal representing Self Actualization.

  Paul Simon's  Graceland  representing the power of music in Self Actualization.

Paul Simon's Graceland representing the power of music in Self Actualization.

  A painted pinch pot representing Self Actualization.

A painted pinch pot representing Self Actualization.

  A favorite poem representing Self Actualization.

A favorite poem representing Self Actualization.

  Razor blades representing all levels.

Razor blades representing all levels.

  A pair of socks worn at every band concert representing Self Actualization.

A pair of socks worn at every band concert representing Self Actualization.

  A set of cards with words on one side and symbols on the other representing Self Actualization.

A set of cards with words on one side and symbols on the other representing Self Actualization.

  A photo of bird feathers and poem written after a meditation representing Self Actualization.

A photo of bird feathers and poem written after a meditation representing Self Actualization.

  An insulin pump representing safety.

An insulin pump representing safety.